Service-driven. Results oriented.

IMRG, Inc. is a service-driven, professionally managed firm. We have determined an organizational structure that incorporates management input from on-site management and corporate management is the best way to further our mission. Specifically, IMRG, Inc. has developed an organizational structure that ensures on-site project management work as a viable extension of our decision making team.

IMRG, Inc. executes its service via domestic outsourcing and on-site management. Specifically, outsourcing concerns those systems that are based on a set of objectives defined by our customers but executed by IMRG, Inc.'s personnel and management systems. This allows the mission of the federal agency or private company to perform without using key agency or corporate staff. IMRG, Inc. employs a team of professionals that work in a tandem with government or corporate requirements and specifications. IMRG, Inc.'s personnel are responsible for the day-to-day management and operation of those functions.